Tuesday, May 26, 2009

may just flew by

Where did this month go? I swear it was yesterday that it was april.......how does time seem to fly so quickly? We have warm days here with lows still below 40 degrees, my seedlings are dying everytime I transplant them to a bigger container, so sad my babies that I got to grow indoors from a wee seed are now shrively dead leaves, that never fed us a thing! I am going to try to grow some stuff by direct sowing seeds next month outdoors Just cannot believe it will be June next week! our munchkin son is a gallant bike rider and is loving his time outdoors, most days more time is spent out than in, he told me today that he loves to grocery shop with me, of course he had a kiddy cart.......but he can be a big help, he also however, ran out into the parking lot at work, gladly no cars moving, but he is just pushing his limits, needless to say my stomach and heart are still not recovered, he scared me so.....and yet seems to not understand why i got so mad and repeated over and over that we do not walk or run in parking lots without holding an adult's hand! my nightmares have new visuals now, ugh!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my ...my hearts in my throat here.
